We are proud to announce that Dr. Evan Chancellor has been appointed the new Music Director of the Fond du Lac Symphonic Band, effective December 1, 2022.

As a horn player, Evan is a member of the North Point Brass and plays regularly with the Sheboygan Symphony Orchestra and the Milwaukee Philharmonic. Prior to arriving in Wisconsin, he was a founding member of the Frontier Brass Band, Banda Gabachos, the Norman Philharmonic, and the Oklahoma Haydn Festival, and also performed with the Oklahoma City Philharmonic, Tulsa Symphony, Tulsa Ballet, Signature Symphony, and the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas as well as the orchestra of the Eisenstadt Classical Music Festival.
Chancellor received his Bachelor of Music in Music Education from the University of North Texas. He earned the Master of Music in Horn Performance at Oklahoma City University, and Doctor of Musical Arts at the University of Oklahoma. Chancellor is a member of the National Association for Music Education, Collegiate Band Directors National Association, Wisconsin Concert Band Association, International Horn Society, Kappa Kappa Psi, and Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia.